Course Syllabus
Biology CP
Teacher Name: Mr. Grant (Eldridge Grant)
Room #: 167
Materials: Three ring binder (Notes and Hand-out section), color pencils, different color highlighters, and pens.
Grading Policy
Evaluation |
1.) |
Notebook Check (Homework, Worksheets, Labs) |
45% of Grade |
2.) |
Quiz |
15% of Grade |
3.) |
Exams |
25% of Grade |
4.) |
Participation |
15% of Grade |
- The notebook will encompass all the work completed in-class such as worksheets, group assignments, and labs.
- Approximately 40% of your grade is based on test and quizzes; the other 60% is determined by activities, labs, and homework.
- Participation is vital for success in the class. This includes attendance, following classroom procedures, and being active in classroom discussions.
Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe
1.) Be respectful to the Teacher, Your Peers, and yourself
a.) Follow and listen to teacher instructions
b.) Respect proper language use in class
c.) Raise your hand to get Teacher’s attention
d.) Use appropriate tone when speaking
2.) Be on Time and Prepared for Class Daily
a.) Be in seat prepared to work before tardy bell rings
b.) Come to class ready to learn
3.) Cell Phones, iPods, or Other Electronic Devices may not be used in class
a.) Put electronics away, unless instruct permits their use
b.) 1 Headphone is allowed during classwork but not during exams, quizzes, presentation, or discussions.
4.) Do not Interfere with the Learning of others
a.) Stay on task, you are here to learn
b.) Work with others
c.) Ask for help if you do not understand instructions or content
d.) Respect the personal space of others
5.) Treat property with care and respect
a.) Do not damage desks, textbooks, etc.
b.) Dispose of trash around you before the end of class
c.) Return any pencils or paper borrowed
Most importantly if there are any questions please contact me, I am here to help you be successful, not only in BIOLOGY but with whatever you may need!
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |